Thursday 20 September 2012

Saving the Kereru!

When Miss Soper was going for a walk with her dog, she heard a rustling noise in the grass.  She thought it was a rabbit so she said, "Go get it boy!" So Miss Soper's dog ran to the rustling and pulled it out.  It was a Kereru.  It couldn't fly away because it was so fat!  Miss Soper carefully put the bird in a cage and brought it into Room 4 to have a look.

We made a circle and had a look.  It is beautiful.

What should we do?  After close inspection, the dog only made superficial wounds and it lost a few feathers.  Mrs J took it to her place to let it recover.  She let it out in the garage to hop around.  It flew onto the lawn mower.  The next day it flew higher onto wooden planks.  After three nights of TLC, Mrs J said it's time to release it back to nature.

We walked to Mechtild's house to release it.  We saw a Kereru on the way up there so we knew it was a good place for our bird to go.  

We let it go on a Wattle tree because Kereru loves Wattle trees.  It tried to fly but it went wallop on the ground and then hopped away happily.  We could see it trying to fly again.  Mrs J said that it had lost some feathers and it will need to work out its balance again.

We hope we have done enough for this Kereru to survive! Story by Arowen and Josh

1 comment:

  1. WOW. What a neat story and great pictures. How cool that you all got to see a Keruru up close and even cooler that you saved it. They are such beautiful birds. Let's hope that it is now flying around happily at it's new home. I am sure it is :-))

    By Shaemus's mum
