Thursday 27 September 2012

Fantail Nests

We have created Fantail Nests.  The nests are made out of shredded paper, grass and glue.  The Fantail is made from 2 newspaper balls, card and ice-block sticks.  We remembered that fantails have 12 fans on their tails.  I think they are very creative.  Well done, R4!

Bird Eggs

Jorja and Aidan brought in two different types of bird nests.  After discussing the differences and how they were made, we made clay eggs to put inside the nest...

Room 4's great helpers...

We made NZ Maori Cloaks today and feathers went everywhere!!  Thanks to these wonderful helpers - the room was sparkling again.  (Parents: This proves they can vacuum!)  Watch the blog next term for our magical Maori cloaks....

Spot those Native Birds!

We are 4 Native Birds....Can you guess what we are?

Fly away birds.....

The Yellow Crowned Parakeet


NZ Falcon


Kiwi and Kea by Aidan

Kiwi live in NZ
Its egg is as big as its body
We do not kill Kiwi
It's an endangered bird!

Kea are mountain birds
Eggs of the Kea are tiny
A Kea is very cheeky!

Kiwi and Takahe

Kiwi are an endangered species
It has nostrils at the end of its beak
Where  do you find Kiwi?
In the lush green forest!

Takahe birds are green and blue
All of them do not fly
Keep the Takahe alive
All of them need care
Have you heard the Takahe talk?
Even when they say hello, it's special!

Tui, Kiwi and Kea by Dana

Tui are honeyeaters
Up in the sky you can see it
I know Tui males have two white bits!

Kiwi lives in the forest
It eats  young shoots
Was nearly extinct then it came back to life
It is special to NZ!

Kea are very cheeky
Everywhere the Kea plays
A Kea can take away a teddy!

Haast Eagle by Josh and Arowen

Haast Eagle was extinct 100 years ago
An active bird
An experienced bird
Speedy bird
Talented bird

An ancient bird
Good hunter
Long flying wingspan
Extinct...What a pity!

Kiwi by Wolfgang

Kiwi are native birds
In New Zealand there are only 150 Kiwi
When people hunted Kiwi they brought dogs
In 1900 people brought stoats, weasels and ferrets.  They eat Kiwi eggs!

Kea and Tui by Ashleigh

Kea are mountain birds
Earthquakes can kill kea
A call of a kea is KEARGH!

Tui have good songs
Up in the sky you can see them
It is a turquoise colour!

Kiwi and Tui by Inca

Kiwi are an endangered species
I love Kiwi
We are all Kiwis
I know Kiwi are nocturnal!

Tui is a native type of bird
Up in the sky they fly
I love the Tui colours!

Kea and Kakapo by Aleesha

Keas hang out in gangs
Earthquakes can kill kea
A call of a kea is KEARGH!

Kakapo chicks are born white
A Kakapo can live up to 40 years
Kakapo are the world's heaviest parrot
A Kakapo hides away during the day
Parrots are the Kakapo family
Our Kakapo are special!

Kingfisher by Shaemus

Kingfishers live in tunnels
It often perches on telephone wires
No one sees them
Gone before you get a chance
Flying in the sky
It eats insects and lizards
She sits on the roof too
Have you seen one?
Exciting colours of blue and green
Really special birds!

Kiwi and Tui by Naomi

Kiwis are an endangered species
It lives in the forest
We love the Kiwi
It has a brown body.

Tui eat grubs and bugs
Up in the sky it flies
It is a turquoise colour.

NZ Native Birds by Tama

New born babies
We care for our birds!

Zig zag zig zag
A bird is nice!
Light fantails
Action birds
Never hurt one
Do your best to take care of one!

Native birds
A bird is a bird
Take what you got
I spotted a bird
Vote for the birds
Endangered species

Be nice
I care for the  birds
Remember the future
Don't hurt our birds
Save them!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

NZ Falcon and Kiwi by Lili

Never flies low does the NZ Falcon

Zap arghhh it's coming for me

Frightning everybody

All of the  people running away

Landing low catching mice as it's  prey

Calm. I'm not scared

On the  way home I

Need to tell my parent all about  it!

Kiwi's  hiding

In the bush

Where is it?  Will it come out?

It comes out smiling at me!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Saving the Kereru!

When Miss Soper was going for a walk with her dog, she heard a rustling noise in the grass.  She thought it was a rabbit so she said, "Go get it boy!" So Miss Soper's dog ran to the rustling and pulled it out.  It was a Kereru.  It couldn't fly away because it was so fat!  Miss Soper carefully put the bird in a cage and brought it into Room 4 to have a look.

We made a circle and had a look.  It is beautiful.

What should we do?  After close inspection, the dog only made superficial wounds and it lost a few feathers.  Mrs J took it to her place to let it recover.  She let it out in the garage to hop around.  It flew onto the lawn mower.  The next day it flew higher onto wooden planks.  After three nights of TLC, Mrs J said it's time to release it back to nature.

We walked to Mechtild's house to release it.  We saw a Kereru on the way up there so we knew it was a good place for our bird to go.  

We let it go on a Wattle tree because Kereru loves Wattle trees.  It tried to fly but it went wallop on the ground and then hopped away happily.  We could see it trying to fly again.  Mrs J said that it had lost some feathers and it will need to work out its balance again.

We hope we have done enough for this Kereru to survive! Story by Arowen and Josh

Thursday 13 September 2012

Conservation Week 2012

Our unit at the moment is Native NZ Birds.  This links in with Conservation Week.  Look at our wonderful Native NZ Birds.  We are learning how we can look after them.  Next week, we will post our learning.  A big thank you goes to Tina (Cassandra's) mum who came in and showed us all about the Fantail!













